
How to get good marks in board exam

How to get good marks in board exam

Follow Top Tips to get more than 90% Marks in Board Exam.
In this article, we will learn about the methods of bringing or topping good marks in the board examination. By adopting these tips, you can pass in your board exam with good numbers.

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There is always a concern about the board examination in all the students. But there is also no such examination that you cannot score Healthy in it. By adopting some planning and tips, you can top the board exam or you can get good numbers. In today's article, we will learn about the methods of bringing or topping good marks in the board examination. The board exam is the first experience for all those students who are in Class 10, then it is obvious that they will be scared the most and due to which they will not be able to perform as much healthy as they could in the exam.

So let us discuss all those things in this article by following which students can get more than 90% Numbers in their upcoming CBSE and any other board exam examination.

1. Prioritize all Subjects with Plan Set:

Planning and reading is very important to get good marks. But along with that, it is also important to decide which topic of the topic to start reading first. If you yourself do not understand how to divide Topic, then for this you should take complete Helf from your teachers and along with it start preparation based on previous years questions papers. The biggest thing is that it will be Benifit that all the Topic Covers will be covered before the examination, which is expected to be asked more.

2. Focus on Preparation:

Preparing all the papers well reduces the exam stress. So if your preparation is not being done properly, then make a routine again so that all the subjects can be covered properly. If it is 10 days time and 20 Topics are to be read then 2 Topics can be covered daily. Keep in mind that out of 24 hours of the day, do not forget to make an impractical time table to read 18 or 20 hours. Keep a maximum reading time of 12 hours per day. Rest in between is also necessary in this.

3. Keep Positive Thinking:

Any fear can be overcome by positive thinking. Positive thinking keeps you relaxed and you are able to study better. Therefore, it is very important to have positive thinking. If the students are as stressed as they are, even if they pay 50% of their attention to their reading, then the better numbers can come. The biggest benefit of having positive thinking is that you start to see a lot of goodness inside yourself, which causes your happiness and makes you focus on your preparation.

4. Resolve Old Questions Papers with Time Limit:

The best way to prepare for the exam is also that students should practice the old questions papers, but while practicing, remember that the complete questions papers have to be solved within a set time. It is very important to improve the habit of time management as it will be easy to manage the time of examination. This method prepares the students for the exam environment in the right way. Solving the questions papers with this methods will not only bring time management but will also catch the scoring technique.

5. Aware Study:

By reading more, you will not necessarily get more numbers. Better success in exam is obtained only when the study is done with awareness. For this, Helf can be taken from previous years questions. Actually, many things are given in the text book for information, it is not much related to the examination. A conscious student should recognize this and in view of the preparation of the examination, it should be read carefully. If you do not do this, then in the last days of the preparation of the examination, you will remain in a state of what you read and what you do not read and will inevitably fall into extreme tension.

6. Do not understand the subject:

If you want to get good numbers in the exam then first of all it is important that instead of rote any subject, try to understand it. Many times it happens that just rote books and guides like parrots change many questions during the paper, which students are unable to understand. Due to which students get nervous seeing these questions. In such a situation, it is important that instead of rote the subject, you will understand it and give the paper well, then you will know the answer to every question related to that subject. With this, your syllabus will also be completed and you will know the answer to every question related to the subject in the exam. Therefore, instead of rote any subject, try to understand it.

7. Do not jump:

Many times students do what they find easy and try to finish it first and leave what they find difficult for later, in doing so the exam time comes closer and for that difficult chapter The time is less, whose preparation they cannot do with proper methods. That is why it is suggested for examination that preparation of difficult things should be done first.

8. Create Time Table:

It is seen that the students who come to the top definitely make their own time table. If you want to get good numbers in the exam then first of all set a time table. Divide each subject by time and study it. The subject in which you are more weak, you should give maximum time to that subject. But also take care that the subject on which you have good information, also give time to revise it. It should not be that you only give time to those Subjects in which you are Weak, and do not even repeat those Subjects in which you are strong. That is, the subjects that you come up with are fine, repeat them well and spend a little more time on the weak subjects. The biggest problem of this type of student is that they make a Time Table. But when it comes to adopt them, they shrug. If you want to pass with good numbers in the exam then do not leave your created time table. As you have set the time table, follow it, it definitely gives you success.

9. Create Notes:

This is a tried and tested rule. Notes will always help you. Whenever you read or revise, keep making notes of it carefully. Often students postpone studies and later come under pressure after seeing the entire Syllabus, the notes you make at that time are very helpful to repeat the old reading and do not be negligent in reading what you are reading or making notes of it. Doing incomplete work later affects your result. Set goals daily and repeat your notes with preparation accordingly.

10. Eat Healthy Food:

Yes, for a good number you have to eat healthy too. Your diet should be such that there is maximum protein content. Eat green vegetables, fresh fruits, dairy products and eggs. Soup, green tea and fresh juice should be on your diet chart, and yes stay away from junk food. Do not eat too much fat. Do not say too much otherwise you will be a victim of laziness.

11. Practice by writing:

Many students have a habit of reading by speaking or memorizing in the mind. But this examination is not enough for preparation. You should also have a habit of writing and your writing speed should also be good. Many times students are found saying that they used to come all but did not get time to write. Do not have this problem with you, so make a habit of writing, it will give you two benefits. Your writing speed will be good as well as your handwriting will also improve which will help you for better marks.

12. Stay away from Gadget:

Nowadays, there is a mobile and computer in every house. Put these things away from you for a few days. Especially children are very fond of gaming, etc., so you do not attract yourself and cut down the time spent in mobile and computer. Make a time for yourself, such as late in the morning and late in the night so that you can keep yourself updated. Nowadays all types of Study Material are available online, which can give you a lot of Helf.

13. Make a habit of getting up early in the morning:

Getting up early in the morning is healthy for everyone. If you are a student then it can be especially beneficial for you. Try to get up early in the morning a few months before the exam. Start your study in the morning by doing your regular tasks. When you get up early, you save a lot of time and during the day you get more time for your study. By the way, everyone knows how beneficial it is to study in the morning because after a good sleep you are very fresh and full of energy. There is an atmosphere of peace in the morning. That is why it is also said that sleeping early, waking up early makes a man healthy, prosperous and wise. You remember the morning studies for a long time.

Conclusion - 

If you start following the tips mentioned in this article from today in your Board Exam Preparation, then you can easily get more than 90% marks in the Board Exam, if needed, just prepare for the Examination regularly. Do not leave any effort in doing as well as in the preparation of the Board Examination on your behalf. Do not postpone things for the sake of laziness, it will only cause harm. Read whatever you read so that it does not need to be read again and again and there is no loss of Syllabus. Include healthy diet and exercise in your routine. Pay special attention to Time Management.